The role of energy storage technologies in the context of the Swiss energy transition (SwissStore)


The role of energy storage is subject to an intense debate internationally reflecting a lack of consensus about the techno-economic potential and respective merits of the various energy storage technologies. This is largely due to the wide spectrum of possible applications, the potential to deliver multiple services (revenue stacking), and unclear market developments which make economic assessments difficult.

The objective of this research project is to perform a holistic investigation of the role of competing and/or complementary electric, thermal and chemical energy storage technologies in achieving greater penetration of renewable energy technologies and more efficient and effective use of energy in the context of the Swiss energy transition.

The project is split into three Tasks:
Task 1 aims to provide comprehensive, detailed and robust information and data on the status of, and prospects for, technical and cost performance of selected storage technologies. This will help identify drivers of future cost reduction and technical improvement, and deliver cost and performance estimates under a range of scenarios.
In Task 2, two distinct but complementary models will be developed to allow for a comprehensive investigation of energy storage in the Swiss energy transition:
1.) A “single-layer model” adopting a social planner perspective; used to identify the best mix of supply and storage technologies to achieve minimal cost or minimal energy use and/or CO2 emissions;
2.) A “double-layer model” capturing the interplay between local actors and wholesale dynamics.
In Task 3 a comparative analysis across various scenarios under the two modelling approaches will be performed, including sensitivity analysis around key boundary conditions.

Project Report and Publications

A full overview on the related activities, papers and datasets is provided on the SNSF Data Portal (Link)