Energy markets around the world are in a phase of transition. Energy and environmental policies and regulation play a major role in this transition process; including renewable support, emission regulations, energy efficiency and demand reduction approaches, and supply security mechanisms.
This topic cluster represents two main directions of the FoNEW team research:
- Conceptual research: Aiming on insights on efficiency and incentive structures we conduct policy design assessments based on economic theoretic concepts. A particular focus is on the interaction of different energy policies.
- Quantitative assessments: Using numerical modeling selected policy, regulation, and market design approaches are tested for specific markets. This topic stream is strongly interlinked with the FoNEW research on electricity markets.

Working Paper
- Abrell J., Chavaz L., & Weigt H. (2019)
Dealing with Supply Disruptions on the European Natural Gas Market: Infrastructure Investments or Coordinated Policies?
SCCER CREST Working Paper WP3 - 2019/04 - Abrell J., Chavaz L., & Weigt H. (2019)
Assessing supply security - A compound indicator
SCCER CREST Working Paper WP3 - 2019/03 - Darudi A., Weigt H. (2019)
Renewable Support, Intermittency and Market Power: An Equilibrium Investment Approach
SCCER CREST Working Paper WP3 - 2019/01 - Bondarev A., Weigt H. (2017)
Sensitivity of energy system investments to policy regulation changes: Application of the blue sky catastrophe
SCCER CREST Working Paper WP3 - 2017/03 - Schmidt S., Weigt H. (2013)
A Review on Energy Consumption from a Socio-Economic Perspective: Reducing through Energy Efficiency and Beyond.
SCCER CREST Working Paper WP2 - 2015/01
Journal Paper
- Blumer, Y. B., Braunreiter, L., Kachi, A., Lordan-Perret, R., & Oeri, F. (2018)
A two-level analysis of public support: exploring the role of beliefs in opinions about the Swiss energy strategy
Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 43, pp 109-118. - Bondarev A., & Weigt H. (2018)
Sensitivity of energy system investments to policy regulation changes: Too many, too fast?
Energy Policy, Volume 119, pp 196-205 - Neumann A., Rosellón J., & Weigt H. (2015)
Removing Cross-Border Capacity Bottlenecks in the European Natural Gas Market—A Proposed Merchant-Regulatory Mechanism
Networks and Spatial Economics, Volume 15, No. 1, pp 149-181
Projects and Reports
The following FoNEW projects have a strong focus on policy design:
- SFOE project "Electricity market design: Policy coordination and zonal configurations"
- SFOE project "Reducing Swiss household energy demand: Modeling and assessing non-monetary incentives"
- SNF project "Best Practices for Decommissioning of Nuclear Power Plants: How to ensure efficient plant decommissioning under different regulatory schemes"
Furthermore, the SCCER CREST White Papers usually focus on current Swiss policy debates. They provide short summaries of scientific studies for stakeholders and decision makers.